Sunday, October 28, 2018

Communicators are Connected Globally


Source: (Kitschke, 2017)

Communications professionals are connected on a global level through the use of social media. The technology is still rather new and it is a skill that journalists have learned to adopt because of consumers who use it. Citizen journalists have increased because of social media and they are able to develop a following just like broadcast journalists do. However, being able to deliver your communications visually is critical for journalists.

People consume many messages and information throughout the day and because of the rise in other platforms, reaching audiences will be different (Kitschke, 2017). Whether it is sharing personal news or other posts, people are also using their feeds to share news that is relevant. Many journalist are now required to write stories online and also blog as well. (Kitschke, 2017).

Journalists who use images to display their information on social media are able to capture more readers to make a bigger impact. This is a skill that journalists will need to continue to develop as reading on the Internet is much different from print. Organization who give employees a promotion for learning a new skill in technology were more eager to learn and and train others (Stam & Stanton, 2010).


Kitschke, Z. (2017). Why visual communication is the most important skill for journalists in 2015.

Huffpost. Retrieved from

Stam, K. & Stanton, J. M.  (2010). Events, emotions, and technology: examining     acceptance of workplace technology changes. Information Technology & People, (1), 23.

The Power of Digital Journalism (2015). TEDxDistilleryDistrictWomen, Retrieved from

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