Sunday, November 18, 2018

Never Leave Your House

Image result for online shopping

In today's society, we don't ever have to leave our house because of technology. From grocery and general shopping, to movies and food deliveries, companies are paid to deliver everything to your doorstep that you can imagine. Devices such as Siri or an Amazon echo can answer your questions or place orders when you command the devices to take action.

We expect people to react the same way that we ask our devices to respond, which is quickly and correctly so we feel instant gratification. People can now order their groceries and have them delivered to them so they will never have to go inside a store to shop. When consumers make an online purchase, they are looking for low prices and convenience (Agrawal, 2017). Movies can be purchased and streamed online through one's television and no human interaction is needed from start to finish. In addition, if a restaurant doesn't offer delivery, there are companies that hire people who will pick up your food and deliver it to you within minutes. The Internet has increased the culture of instant gratification by allowing people to have access to anything within seconds (Metcalfe, 2017).


Agrawal, A. (2017). 5 ways technology is changing eCommerce. Entrepreneur. Retrieved from

Metcalfe, L. (2017, September 5). The future of retail - how technology will change the way we shop [Blog post]. Retrieved from

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