Sunday, November 18, 2018

Connected 24/7, Do We Ever Unplug

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Technology has allowed us to be connected to anyone and anywhere at any time. We live in a culture where we are drawn to our cell phones 24/7 with text messaging, apps, email, social media, and etc. When we are at work, screen time is spent on our computers and using other technology around us which is no different from what we do at home. People use technology to connect with one another, but it can also drive us apart (Steinbrecher, 2014). 

Because other tools such as email and instant messaging, people may not be socially connected as before because we are not using face to face communication. Instead, many of us choose to communicate over text instead of voice and we miss the personal conversations because we are using social media and technology to share our information. We don't know when to unplug because our devices are always on and we can't shut them down or leave them at home.


Steinbrecher, S. Why our 24/7 connected society is driving us farther apart [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Talks, T. (2014, November 10). How social media makes us unsocial. TEDxSMU. Retrieved from

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